Your child’s diagnosis or serious injury is likely the most frightening experience you’ve ever had. You’ll do whatever it takes to make them healthy, but the amount of information that’s come your way has made it difficult to know what that is. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or unsure about their diagnosis or treatment plan, know that seeking a pediatric second opinion is your right as a parent. It can also give you the peace of mind you need to make the best decision.
When To Seek a Pediatric Second Opinion
Certain decisions need to be made quickly. If your child is experiencing a medical emergency, it may not be feasible to put off a procedure that could save their life. However, there are other circumstances where it’s wise to pause while you pursue additional input from a medical specialist. Seeking a second opinion for your child is prudent when:
You’ve Received Different or Confusing Treatment Recommendations
It’s normal to feel overwhelmed when a variety of treatment options are presented to you, especially when the treatment is for your child. Receiving a virtual second opinion from an expert can help you narrow in on the best course of treatment, or change course entirely if needed.
There are times when additional specialized input is essential. Getting a second opinion on a pediatric cancer diagnosis, for example, is one such time.
You Want to Be Certain That You’ve Heard All the Options
Diagnosing and effectively treating complex pediatric conditions requires a lot of knowledge and experience. In cases of rare diseases or inconclusive diagnoses, it’s best to seek a second opinion for your child.
With a pediatric second opinion from The Clinic, you can have peace of mind that your treatment plan is based on the latest research and expertise.
Test Results Have Been Unclear
Sometimes, test results can be inconclusive or unclear. The diagnosis your child received may be the result of a combination of tests, and you may be unsure about the accuracy of the diagnosis. Getting a second opinion can help confirm or clarify it. 67% of virtual second opinions have resulted in a changed diagnosis or treatment plan.
You Just Need Peace of Mind
The more confidence you have in your treatment plan, the better you can feel about a needed surgery or course of treatment for your child. Knowing you made the best decision possible is essential to your peace of mind when your choices have permanent or long-lasting impact.
Take the First Step Toward Peace of Mind
When you’re exhausted and struggling to figure out the next best step for your child’s care, The Clinic by Cleveland Clinic offers convenient virtual second opinions. Our experts can provide you with the comfort of knowing that you sought the best medical advice possible before making a huge decision.
Peace of mind is possible, and The Clinic can help you find it. Register online now to get started.