Your body is complex. Joints, muscles, organs, and other parts all work together to keep you alive and well. Some medical conditions are also complex. They might involve multiple body systems, be hard to treat, last for a long time, or just be rare. Getting a virtual second opinion for complex medical diagnoses can help you be confident that you’re making the right decisions for your health care moving forward.
What Is a Complex Diagnosis?
There’s no straightforward definition of a complex diagnosis or medical condition. However, complex conditions often involve different parts of the body, require intensive or long-term treatment, and have genetic and environmental influence.
For example, ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a complex condition. It involves chronic inflammation of the spine and other joints, which can be debilitating and cause long-term disability. AS can also affect the heart, eyes, nerves, and even bone density. Trying to just treat the symptoms of AS likely wouldn’t be effective.
Why You Should Get Another Look
Being diagnosed with a serious, chronic, or complex medical condition is overwhelming. You might not know enough about your condition to know if you’re making the right call after a doctor recommends treatment. A second opinion can help you get in touch with someone who has plenty of experience treating that condition, find out about different treatment options, and receive more recommendations that fit your lifestyle.
Access to Specialists
Complex medical conditions require care from advanced subspecialists. If you were diagnosed by a primary care provider or general practitioner, they won’t have the same level of knowledge and experience as a specialist. Even a specialist might not be familiar with every rare and complex condition out there. Getting a second opinion allows you to consult with someone who has specific expertise in treating your condition.
Alternative and Leading-Edge Treatment Eligibility
Sometimes, there is more than one way to treat a condition. A second opinion from an advanced provider might be able to connect you with clinical trials, leading-edge treatments, or other options that you didn’t even know were available. Even if these alternative treatments aren’t right for you, it’s reassuring to know that you have explored all your options.
Personalized Recommendations
Your first doctor might recommend a treatment plan that they have used on other patients with similar conditions. However, every person’s body is unique, and what works for someone else might not work for you. A second opinion from a provider familiar with your specific condition can give you personalized recommendations based on your medical history, lifestyle, and preferences.
Peace of Mind Without the Hassle
Remote second opinion consultations can make it easy for you to get in touch with expert physicians about your complex medical condition. Rather than having to fly or drive across the state or country, you can open your computer, register online, and get a second opinion.
If you’ve been recently diagnosed, this flexibility can give you a chance to take a break from the stress and emotions that come with having a new medical condition. On the other hand, if you’ve been in treatment for a while and haven’t seen the improvement you or your doctor expected, you can get a second opinion without having to miss work or disrupt your regular treatment schedule.
Register Online Now
There are 3,500 experts at the #2 hospital in the world, Cleveland Clinic, who have experience in more than 550 advanced subspecialties. You are personally matched with one when you register with The Clinic by Cleveland Clinic online. After a dedicated Nurse Care Manager completes an intake and our team collects your records for you, the expert physician will review your information and provide a comprehensive report of their findings and recommendations.
Find peace of mind for the road ahead. Register online now to get started.